Time to Talk about student wellbeing as mental health issues ruse

Yesterday was Time to Talk Day 2016, which aims to get the nation talking about mental health. After being involved with the Time to Talk Day blogs last year, this time around I chose to focus on the mental health concerns facing students in an article for KettleMag.co.uk. 

With one in four people affected every year, and many too afraid to talk about it, mental health is an issue that can’t be silenced.

One group who are starting to speak up are students. Whether it’s increased academic demands, financial concerns, competition for employment, or attitudes demanding they strive for higher goals, the pressures of university life are having a negative impact on students’ wellbeing.

At the end of 2015, the National Union of Students (NUS) found that eight out of 10 students experienced mental health issues in the last year while 54 percent of students did not seek support.

This has increased from a previous NUS survey in 2013, which found that 20 percent of students considered themselves to have mental health problems, while 26 percent did not talk to anyone about their mental distress.

Continue reading at KettleMag.co.uk.

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